Dog Beach Update

For those of you who love the dog beach, we’ve got good news.  The long awaited renovation and embankment repair is slated for January 2024.  

Magnuson Dog Beach seeing heavy use on march 18 2023

David Graves, Senior Planner for Seattle Parks and Recreation, recently advised that there are two permits necessary to get the work done and the first was granted by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; approval is still pending from The Army Corps of Engineering.  (Fingers crossed!)  As you know, the Corps governs Lake Washington shore levels via operation – holding or releasing water – at the Ballard Locks.

In addition to the embankment mitigation and materials that will be added to cover the trip and fall presented by the exposed root system, stewardship has requested:

  • additional block steps be added to close the drainage and erosion occurring at either side of the path way, 
  • more ADA trail access be paved there. Ideally a complete path would provide those users a loop around the eastern planting border giving wheeled users two access points to the beach, versus the one on the east end only,
  • and that one or 2 more benches be added in lieu of the picnic benches. 

The latter is not intended to reduce anyone’s recreation but to provide safer access on the stair area itself as well as open up that space for better flow.  

Finally, Graves said that since the willow is still alive it will remain but we are looking into planting a replacement!

2 decade worth of erosion has significantly reduced the usable beach area

NOTE: the health of the beach is extraordinary given the huge usage it receives as the ONLY legal dog beach in all of Seattle.  Graves advised that materials should have been upgraded every 10 years starting with the original beach installation in 2004; the 2014 update was missed.  Additionally, in spite of several beach closures around Lake Washington this last Summer – including multiple times at nearby Matthews Beach – MDP experienced no toxic algae or contamination warning this year.

Located in:
Warren G. Magnuson Park
7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115


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